Partial Govt shutdown effects worsens


A shutdown of about a quarter of the U.S. government rolled into its 13th day on Thursday, with lawmakers and President Donald Trump divided over his demand for money for a border wall.

As the partial U.S. government shutdown nears the two week mark, its real-world effect is growing.

800,000 federal employees have been furloughed or are working without pay…

The Smithsonian’s museums, the national zoo and national gallery are closed…disappointing tourists in the nations capitol.

You’ll also see nothing on the live web feed of the National Zoo’s Panda Cam, which ceased broadcasting on Wednesday.

Most NASA employees are on furlough, except for those deemed essential to “prevent imminent threats to human life or the protection of property”. Though they are working without pay.

National Parks are getting a bit messy as they’re operating on a skeleton staff with limited resources…aka no restrooms or trash collection.

The Commerce Department is not publishing economic data. But the labor department will be releasing Friday’s jobs report.. in case you were wondering.

The FCC said it’s suspending most operations on Thursday

Most of the IRS is closed…

One irony of having a shutdown over border funding — the shutdown affects the department of homeland security, too, so border patrol agents are working without pay. And the shutdown is showing signs of straining the country’s immigration system as immigration judges are furloughed.

This shutdown, the third during the trump administration, already ranks among the longest.

The record was during President Clinton’s term, and lasted 21 days in 1996.

A 16-day shutdown happened under President Obama in 2013 in a fight with Republicans over his healthcare law.

Visitors to US national parks are forced to POO on the side of the road as toilets are closed during government shutdown:

Donald Trump border wall funding REJECTED as House Democrats vote to end government shutdown… but the president plans to veto:

When will US Government shutdown over Trump’s Mexico border wall end?

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