North Korea wants to denuclearise by end of Trump’s first term


South Korean officials say North Korea’s leader told them he wants to denuclearize in U.S. President Donald Trump’s first term. Grace Lee reports.

Kim Jong Un’s new groundbreaking message to Donald Trump:

He’s putting an end to his long-range missile tests and planning to denuclearize by early 2021.

The North Korean leader claims rocket launches and nuclear tests have become permanently impossible after Pyongyang dismantled test sites earlier this year.

His words were relayed by South Korean officials on Thursday, after they met with Kim in Pyongyang this week.

They say Kim told them that his faith in the U.S. President remains quote “unchanged,” and that he wants to denuclearize during Trump’s first term.

It marks the first time the North Korean leader has offered a timeline for getting rid of his weapons.

The South Korean envoys have also confirmed that the Koreas will hold a new summit in Pyonyang in just two week’s time.

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