Migrant “caravan” in limbo at US border


Migrant “caravan” in limbo at US border
About 150 Central Americans from a “caravan” of migrants in Mexico were camped out early on Monday at the U.S. border, some trapped inside a port of entry between the two countries, as officials barred them from stepping foot on U.S. soil. Jonah Green reports.
An uncertain end to an arduous month-long journey as about 150 Central Americans from a so-called “caravan” of migrants in Mexico were camped out on Monday at the U.S. border.

Some are trapped inside a port of entry between the two countries, as officials barred them from stepping foot on U.S. soil.

At one point numbering over 1,000, the group, who say they’re fleeing violence and persecution from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, rode buses, hitchhiked and even walked toward the U.S. border, traveling together for safety.

Some tried to report to U.S. border authorities to make asylum claims, but officials said the facility is full.

About 50 spent the night outside the port of entry, while 100 more rolled out towels and blankets to sleep on concrete in a Mexican square.

U.S. President Donald Trump wants them stopped on the Mexican side, and on Monday used their arrival to call for more border security.


“We are a nation of laws. We have to have borders. If we don’t have borders we don’t have a country.”


“I can say that Donald Trump has no heart but maybe deep down, maybe God will help him see his heart a little bit, seeing so many children.”

On Sunday supporters of the caravan rallied near the barrier between the countries, with some scaling and sitting on the wall.

The migrants say the death threats from local gangs, the murder of family members, retaliatory rape and political persecution back home prompted them to flee.

American attorneys told the group asylum-seekers could face detention, long periods of separation from their families and deportation if their claims were rejected.

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