Comey believes it’s possible Trump compromised by Russians


In an interview with USA TODAY, former FBI director James Comey said it’s not likely President Trump has been compromised by Russia, but says he can’t be sure.
In an extraordinary interview, former FBI director James Comey called Donald Trump “morally unfit to be president” and said he believed it was possible the Russians were holding compromising personal information over the head of the commander in chief.

Comey’s comments and his new book, A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership, are fueling a combustible moment in Washington that could become a constitutional crisis. At the White House, Trump has unleashed a barrage of angry tweets against Comey — calling him an “untruthful slime ball,” among other insults — amid reports he was poised to fire Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein for his role in the Russia investigation that Comey once headed.

Never before in American history has a current or former director of the FBI, the nation’s principal law-enforcement agency, publicly described a president in such a scathing manner.

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