Brett Kavanaugh: swearing-in ceremony (FULL)


DONALD Trump apologised to Brett Kavanaugh as he was sworn in to the Supreme Court on Monday.

The President stood with Kavanaugh’s family as the judge said: “Although the Senate confirmation process tested me as it has tested others, it did not change me.”

Kavanaugh was sworn in at an event at the White House, but not before Trump apologised to him and his family for “the terrible suffering you have been forced to endure.”

The President slammed Kavanaugh’s opponents for a “campaign of personal destruction.”

He said that “under historic scrutiny,” Kavanaugh was “proven innocent.”

Kavanaugh’s nomination became a firestorm after sexual misconduct allegations dating back to his college years emerged.

He was ordered before the Senate and grilled over the claims , with his accuser also providing testimony.

Dr Christine Blasey Ford told the committee that, one night in the summer of 1982, a drunken Kavanaugh forced her down on a bed, “groped me and tried to take off my clothes.”

She said he clamped his hand over her mouth when she tried to scream before she was able to escape.

He emphatically denied the allegations.

Kavanaugh angrily and tearfully claimed he was the victim of a “political hit” after Dr Ford said she was “100 percent certain” he attacked her.

He has also been accused by several women of sexual misconduct

The other eight justices were also sworn in at Monday’s ceremony.

Kavanaugh officially became a member of the high court on Saturday and has been at the Supreme Court preparing for his first day on the bench Tuesday.

President Trump said the newly confirmed Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh was “caught up in a hoax that was set up by the Democrats.”

Trump said allegations of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh were “all made up, it was fabricated and it’s a disgrace.”

He had once said he found her testimony credible.

But he said last night that he thinks many Democrats will vote Republican in next month’s midterm elections because they’re angry about Kavanaugh’s treatment.


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